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Publicidad y Comunicación en Canarias

A company or business in the health sector needs to sell its services, that is one of its main objectives. To do this, your potential customers must know what the company does?  What are your services?  The opinion of your loyal customers must be good so that your company develops positively.  


The best way to achieve this is to advertise your business in both traditional and digital media, everything is valid to make the brand more visible and for this,  It is essential to have an agency specialized in Communication and Marketing in the Medical sector, such as World Medical Marketing.


It is known that advertising is the traditional and direct marketing tool, whose purpose is to deliver a message through paid dissemination channels to increase the number of sales of services, position a brand in the market of the sector and work both with the image and with the reputation of your business; using, in turn, research, analysis, and knowledge such as psychology, anthropology, economics, design, among others.


And when we talk about commercial communication in the health sector, we do not refer only to the exposure of your services or treatment proposals by the professional towards the patient, since in that case, we would be talking about pure information and of courseThat is not the reason for commercial communication. Its purpose is to complete the sale of services and build loyalty,  there is nothing better for a brand than a loyal customer I talked about it, shared it, and recommend it to your friends which, inevitably, requires an exchange of ideas to know the needs of our clients, to be able to respond to their objections in case they have them and, above all, to know that the patient has not only heard our message but also has perfectly grasped and is aware of the different options to treat your ailment and benefits in each case.

We take care of developing a strategic communication plan in your business and of course, we take it to the end. In addition, whatever the advertising message or the communication method you use, with World Medical Marketing you will always remain advised since we will be constantly measuring the results obtained because we are involved in your business. “We will be your Marketing and Communication department”.

But to achieve an effective strategic communication plan, we analyze your audience in detail, starting with your patients, and investigate  Why do they choose your services?  We discover what are your values and differentiate your identity from the competition, we investigate why you are better at something than the rest?  We seek the concordance between the message you want to convey with the identity of your brand. We make sure that all your communication is consistent and is always governed by stable messages or forms. And we also select the means through which to communicate (television, radio, magazines and newspapers, E-mail marketing, press releases, online articles, etc...).


Backed by our experience of work in the health sector, our company uses marketing in PR, because this involves the marketing process among associates through strategic connections. We recognize that the benefits of being able to relate to a good source of recommendation are incomparable because in this health sector the market is a hostile territory where a helping hand can not only help you survive in it, but also allows you to lead comfortably.


For all these reasons, we organize a PR strategy within Marketing, achieving a favorable exchange of information and obtaining opinions from certified sources, which culminates in obtaining references that promote your business or company. 

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