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Branding, Personal Brand & Positioning...

What is personal branding and what is Personal Branding?

We call Personal Brand the mark we leave on others. It is the perception they have of us either in the real world or on the Internet. It is the memory that we manage to leave in other people and by which they remember us, it is the final result of all your effort and works to develop yourself as a professional and make yourself known. For health marketing, it is the fruit harvested from a seed that you have planted in each of the people who have witnessed your actions, who have seen your work, value your reputation, or after having interacted with you in any way.


Therefore, it is necessary to clarify that personal brand is not the  Personal Branding. Well, when we talk about Personal Branding we refer to the process of managing or creating a Personal Brand. Neither more nor less, it is the way to sell yourself as a professional, to enhance your qualities and show your worth  and knowledge,  using those resources that you would use to make your services known. Therefore, the online medium is the ideal platform to make yourself known, to increase your visibility and notoriety of your personal brand.


We are bearers of our personal brand, but it is useless to have it just for us. Hence the importance of carrying out a good strategy of  Personal Branding. Each person can perceive or remember us in a different way, so it is important that a large percentage remember us as we want, the values we have and that it be similar in  all users.


In it  Health Sector  This is extremely important for attracting patients, strengthening the  opinion and trust  that about us they can have and reach  conquer it  this has to be the best in  our industry.


The results of a personal brand are not visible in a short time, it requires a lot of perseverance and time, from which it is necessary to really discover who you are, analyze where you are and where you are going, it is imperative that you define what your strengths are ; In which aspects are you weakest? Likewise, your strategy will revolve around taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way and dodging those threats that will lurk around every corner.


Only from your personal brand will you be able to firmly set your goals and draw  a whole strategy to be able to reach them and for this, the most advisable thing is that you request help from marketing professionals in order to carry out a correct Personal Branding, we assure you that only in World Medical Marketing you will find the necessary and effective support to face this important task .

What is Brand Positioning?
How does brand positioning work on people?

Positioning is the association of the brand with unique attributes that occurs in the mind of the customer. Brands work on communication aligned with their strategy so that this idea is forged and engraved in the mind of the consumer. It is that "mental click" on your customers that will differentiate you and act in your favor against your competitors at the time that potential customer chooses where to go for treatment.

professionals in the health sector  They have 2 types of labels:

  1. The best-known professional attribute.

  2. The most appreciated personal quality.


The label that has the largest size in the patient's mind, that marks the person, will be the most noticeable one and the most appreciated.


Professionals must balance through communication their  personal and professional attribute so that they feed each other positively and build a powerful Personal Brand. Otherwise, your audience will subjectively establish the weight of each one and thereby contribute to the creation of a reputation that perhaps its result will not lead to  strengthening  of your professional career.


With the professional help of specialists in Health Marketing, a correct positioning of your Brand is created and  although there are other people who may be able to do the same as you,  They will never be able to reach the level of management and opinion of the quality of your services, since "with a correct segmentation of the market where you operate, location, company, clinic, etc." Only with this will it be possible to establish a powerful differentiation from other professionals and health centers, standing out  your space away from the rest of the competitors who cannot attack all markets, simply because of limited capacity and prestige.

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